Pregnancy happens to women all over the world, but what's scary is that it's not just women, it's with teen girls as well. Teens who end up pregnant, about half are more likely not to have a successful life in the future. In a website it says “I’m twice as likely not to graduate high school because you had me as a teen" , this is basically saying in a child's perspective how they are more likely not to graduate because of the mother. The same exact thing happened to my mom and brother, my mom never graduating from high school, and my brother never graduating from high school.
My mom (Emperatriz) had a huge effect from her pregnancy it changed everything that she ever wanted growing up.To begin with it, she skipped school to go to a daytime party. While she was there, a boy named Genaro had peered pressured my mother into having sex with him. My mom was about 17 years old and the Genaro was 16 years old. She had no clue about pregnancy, babies, or having a job, etc. My mom was about 3 months into her pregnancy when she found out, due to the suspension remarks her grandma said to her mother saying, “don't be surprised if she's pregnant.” My mom went to school and spoke to the attendance teacher, Mr. Almaza. She told the teacher, “I feel weird” including telling him the symptoms she had. Mr. Almaza told my mom to walk to the teen clinic on Chicago Ave, Ashland. Usually there is never clinics for pregnant teens to go to when they have problems, my mom was very thankful for this clinic. When she got there the nurse their asked my mom about her health, symptoms, and her period. The nurse told my mom that she had to do a pregnancy test since she had all the symptoms a pregnant woman would have. My mom waited for what felt like, “the longest 5min in her life.”
Then the test turned out to be positive, the nurse said it was 99.9% sure she was pregnant. The nurse gave her options for what she would like to do with the baby, then instead of walking back to school, my mom walked to Genaro’s house.She had told him about her being pregnant, his words were, “that's not my kid, you're not even my girlfriend” in disbelief my mom had started crying. In a website it says " 8 out of 10 teen dads don't have no up getting married to the mother," and that's exactly what happened to my mom. Other than the fact she knew Genaro wasn't going to be with her she didn't care. She just really needed money to help with her abortion. He then disappeared for four months without helping my mother. Then without telling her mom, she ran away from home living with her friends for 2 months, then had started living with her aunts/grandma’s house. When they took my mom to check if she could get her abortion, it was already too late for her to get one. Then it was that time were she had to have the baby already, it was June 8th 1997 when my older brother was born.
It was hard for my mom after that, she moved in back with her mom so that she can help, and had to go to night school while she worked in the day. My mom had tried to let the father know that she was struggling, but he was just in and out of my mom's and my brothers lives. She couldn't finish school, instead she had to support the baby by, feeding him, changing him, buy him new clothes, take him to the doctor, buy him diapers, and give him all the love he needed. My mom mostly focused on work because she had no financial help from nobody and so she can support my brother. It was mostly hard for my mom to do all she can because her pelvis bone was hurting which had an effect on the way she walked. This was really hard to hear especially from my mom and brother. My brother told me how his childhood was like for him. He said, “He kind of struggled in school and wouldn't really pay attention,” due to the lack of money my mom had to give him the right education he needed. My brother didn't have lots of expensive clothes, but when he did it was usually every other birthday for him or Christmas.
Issues like what my mom went through happens with lots of teen girls who are pregnant till this day. We want to stop teen pregnancy because it affects usually a whole family whether they’re involved or not. Teen pregnancy kills the dreams of young women who were going to grow up and be successful, but because of the responsibility of their child, they couldn't do so. In a website it states "3 in 10 teens get pregnant at least 1 time before the age 20"These are the reasons why teen pregnancy is bad for adolescents girls that can change their life.
Website 1.
Website 2.
Website 3.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Nonfiction Blog
Dogs All About Them
By:Alvin and Virginia Silverstein
First, the book says that dogs were a helpful source to humans in the Stone Age. Dogs were hunting partners and were able to be a very helpful security for the family as well. Then that's when jobs were suggested to dogs like herding and guarding the masters animals. Next, the book explains what a dog is and what It looks like, as well as explains a dog from a wolf. It gives an example saying that a child would say "dog" or "puppy" to both dog and wolf. A wolf has a much more larger skull and than a dog has. Wolfs are much more powerful then dogs and rely on their abilities, such as running, powerful jaw, and captures the prey with a wolf pack. Then, a description of the three senses a dog has, body language, and sounds. Dogs use sound because it's a way to help locate objects. When dogs use their three senses it's smell, hearing, and sight as a way to communicate. The book also gives examples of a dog being angry, confused, unsure, threatened, and happy all with just their tail and the way it moves. Last, the book gives a list or more like a group of the types of dogs that fit in with each other. There is seven groups for all dogs, they are the Sporting dogs, Hounds, Working dogs, Herding dogs, Terriers, Toys, and Non-sporting dogs. Each dog would be able to fit in these groups, but maybe some dogs won't.
A passage I found interesting was how In the Stone Age, people used wolves as part of a survival piece, but the wolves had to be tamed when their young enough. In pg. 23- 24 of the book it says "wolf pups can be tamed easily if they are caught young enough. The age of about three weeks is a critical period in a wolfs life; at time it's eyes are open, and it is just starting to move around actively and get acquainted with its world. This is when the pup becomes socialized, learned about the pack and all the proper wolf "manners." If it is raised by humans, the wolf pup bonds to them instead, giving them the love and devotion it would normally give to the wolves of its pack. When it grows up it remains loving and loyal to the humans who raised it. A full-grown tame wolf can be nuisance at times-imagine having your pet wolf greet you each time you came home leaping up to put its huge paws on your shoulders and affectionately bite your nose! But the Stone Age people found their four-legged friend companions very useful for guarding the camp and helping in the hunt." This whole passage was so interesting to me, maybe because it actually is possible to raise a wolf. The way the Stone Age people treat the wolfs could have had desipline, but a little later found out that sometimes they can be their as a companion. Wolves are related to dogs but both dog and wolf are different in many ways.
Some things I've learned that I won't forget is the way dogs use their tails as a way to show an emotion. Some examples are a tail wagging means friendly, a tail that held low and wagging means it's ok you can pet me, one last example is when a dogs tail is held high and not moving that would mean it dangerous to touch the dog. One last thing I've learned that I won't forget is each breed has its own special bark. Next time when I hear a dog barking I'll listen for the tone of it. Overall this book was very interesting and gives lots of facts.
I commented on Christian's blog
I commented on Antwone's blog
I commented on Lizebeth's blog
A passage I found interesting was how In the Stone Age, people used wolves as part of a survival piece, but the wolves had to be tamed when their young enough. In pg. 23- 24 of the book it says "wolf pups can be tamed easily if they are caught young enough. The age of about three weeks is a critical period in a wolfs life; at time it's eyes are open, and it is just starting to move around actively and get acquainted with its world. This is when the pup becomes socialized, learned about the pack and all the proper wolf "manners." If it is raised by humans, the wolf pup bonds to them instead, giving them the love and devotion it would normally give to the wolves of its pack. When it grows up it remains loving and loyal to the humans who raised it. A full-grown tame wolf can be nuisance at times-imagine having your pet wolf greet you each time you came home leaping up to put its huge paws on your shoulders and affectionately bite your nose! But the Stone Age people found their four-legged friend companions very useful for guarding the camp and helping in the hunt." This whole passage was so interesting to me, maybe because it actually is possible to raise a wolf. The way the Stone Age people treat the wolfs could have had desipline, but a little later found out that sometimes they can be their as a companion. Wolves are related to dogs but both dog and wolf are different in many ways.
Some things I've learned that I won't forget is the way dogs use their tails as a way to show an emotion. Some examples are a tail wagging means friendly, a tail that held low and wagging means it's ok you can pet me, one last example is when a dogs tail is held high and not moving that would mean it dangerous to touch the dog. One last thing I've learned that I won't forget is each breed has its own special bark. Next time when I hear a dog barking I'll listen for the tone of it. Overall this book was very interesting and gives lots of facts.
I commented on Christian's blog
I commented on Antwone's blog
I commented on Lizebeth's blog

Tuesday, November 22, 2016
What I'm grateful for
I'm grateful for just being in this world in general. It's crazy how sometimes I just think to myself "wow I'm so lucky being here surrounded by amazing people". Sometimes people can be very ungrateful for things and how much people care about them. Lots of bad things in this world can effect some people, or may even each person in some way. Each and everyone of us knows what conflict/problems means, it shouldn't be that way. Sure have some conflict, but not serious conflict like crime. This may sound like I'm not grateful being in this world, but I am. I learn new things everyday, I have friends, a family, a roof over my head, food, clothing, a place to sleep on, emotions, personality, and the courage to take risks. Though this year I'm grateful for many things then what have.
I'm grateful for teachers who are pushing us to the limit to learn and be successful. Sometimes there are some teachers who can get on kids nerves, but I've been really listening to what they have to say about high school, being a grown up, how we can be successful, and how we can do better. More and more teachers I see always fill my heart with kindness and knowledge. I don't know about other kids saying that there teachers are mean, but all my teachers seem pretty nice to me, and I'm thankful for that.
I'm also grateful for my family for being strong in the hardest times. We have been through hard times and good times. The hard times were rough, I couldn't actually believe they were happening, but they were. Those times were the worst but because my family is strong as can be, we all got through it together. I know there is many more problems to come in the future, but that's why I have my family so that they can be there for me and the rest of my family. This is what I'm grateful for.
I'm grateful for teachers who are pushing us to the limit to learn and be successful. Sometimes there are some teachers who can get on kids nerves, but I've been really listening to what they have to say about high school, being a grown up, how we can be successful, and how we can do better. More and more teachers I see always fill my heart with kindness and knowledge. I don't know about other kids saying that there teachers are mean, but all my teachers seem pretty nice to me, and I'm thankful for that.
I'm also grateful for my family for being strong in the hardest times. We have been through hard times and good times. The hard times were rough, I couldn't actually believe they were happening, but they were. Those times were the worst but because my family is strong as can be, we all got through it together. I know there is many more problems to come in the future, but that's why I have my family so that they can be there for me and the rest of my family. This is what I'm grateful for.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Article of the Week Impressions
What I learned from by peers articles were all amazing. There was some articles that had caught my attention. The first article was about flexible chairs by Ingrid, she talked about how the flexibility/motion of the chair helps kids pay attention. It could "be organized for the brain." For me, this looks like I would be able to be concentrated if I had a flexible chair. The third one is planet nine by Israel, he talked about how there was a new planet called planet nine. It took the planet "10 - 20,00 years to orbit the sun one time." I thought this information was interested and something that will maybe be brought up later on.
Those were just two things I've learned. The second article is a group called Jihad. The group kills people who are part of ISIS. They also "protect citizens and fight for their religion. The last article is about the self defense gun by David, it talked about how it could less likely to harm family. One part I thought was sad and interesting was "if you own a fire arm gun, it will be tripled chance of suicide/ double chance of homicide." This was everything I've learned new.
Those were just two things I've learned. The second article is a group called Jihad. The group kills people who are part of ISIS. They also "protect citizens and fight for their religion. The last article is about the self defense gun by David, it talked about how it could less likely to harm family. One part I thought was sad and interesting was "if you own a fire arm gun, it will be tripled chance of suicide/ double chance of homicide." This was everything I've learned new.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Election Reflection
- The election was great because Hillary was doing great and lots of people had faith in her. Trump had "some" good things he was going to do and lots of negative ones to. The thing is, some people voted for him because of the things he said he was going to do. Half of the things weren't going to even happen, it was impossible for him to deport every single Mexican to Mexico. Especially building a wall, there is absolutely ignorant for him to do so. Though now that he is going to be president, who knows if he will end up doing what he said he will do.
My thoughts on the election results is very upseting. Hillary was doing very well in the beginning of the election and the middle. Now that the time has come to an end to collect all of the data, surprisingly Donald Trump won. Illinois got the right idea and some other states too, but some didn't. There was lots of negativity I saw with people who said they were upset with trump winning. Though no matter what I just have to think positive about things. If I end up thinking negative things, it probably won't end up well for me.
I am actually happy to vote for the next election. Kids are smart if people put it to their minds. We have opinions much more mature then Donald Trump himself. It's not only that, kids choices matter to, we could choose who is actually going to be the right president for the U.S.A. Though besides that, I am excited to vote, all my life I've been thinking that it was people only 21 years or older. Its exciting because I get to make a mature, adult, and important decision to choose who will be the president. I'm just hoping it's whoever I vote for wins.
Monday, October 31, 2016
"That kind of honor"
When the day comes that we honor our Veterans,
It’ll be with respect and giving them our full attention.
It’s a day where the blue, red, and white flag gets to
show off, and represent a day, and everyday when our
dear Veterans fought for us.
They’ve went through crucial battles, day and night, sleep or no sleep, bad weather or good. Either way they they had it, they were the ones who didn't give up, who didn’t turn back and say “ I quit “, and who weren't the ones who did treason and never came back.
So for this we say, thank you Veterans for being part of
this battle. Our life could be different if you haven't fought for us, it
would have been a catastrophe everywhere. But not everyone in a
camouflage uniform is called a hero, it could be someone who has
been on our side when we needed them the most.
It’ll be with respect and giving them our full attention.
It’s a day where the blue, red, and white flag gets to
show off, and represent a day, and everyday when our
dear Veterans fought for us.
They’ve went through crucial battles, day and night, sleep or no sleep, bad weather or good. Either way they they had it, they were the ones who didn't give up, who didn’t turn back and say “ I quit “, and who weren't the ones who did treason and never came back.
So for this we say, thank you Veterans for being part of
this battle. Our life could be different if you haven't fought for us, it
would have been a catastrophe everywhere. But not everyone in a
camouflage uniform is called a hero, it could be someone who has
been on our side when we needed them the most.
Friday, October 28, 2016
A U turn that caused conflict
Car Accidents happen all the time, and that's why we have signs and rules so that people could stay safe and avoid any conflicts. Car Accidents happen because some people don't pay attention to their surroundings, rules, or their distracted by their devices in front of them.
If there is a one way on a street, there is now way a car is going to be able to do a U turn. Well in this situation, a man had attempted to do a U turn and it didn't go very well.
On October 2nd on w crystal st, Chicago IL two cars crashed into each other front to front of the cars. Paramedics and police surrounded the car to try and get the people out. There was three adults and two children. Two adult femals and two children in one car and the man who did the U turn. As the man was trying to make a U turn, it was maybe illegal to so on a one way street. So the car behind it with the children and adult femals crashed into the car trying to make a U turn. The man had done the U turn because there was cops at the end of the block and he wasn't wearing his seat belt. So he thought his only solution was to do a U turn, which would get him in much more bigger trouble than not having a seat belt on.
Accidents like this happen almost everyday. Some people don't pay lots of attention when driving. They don't because because they think their not going to crash or cause a catastrophe and show growth in your problems. So just make sure if you're not going to follow the rules while driving don't do a U turn on a one way, you’ll become the story of the day.
If there is a one way on a street, there is now way a car is going to be able to do a U turn. Well in this situation, a man had attempted to do a U turn and it didn't go very well.
On October 2nd on w crystal st, Chicago IL two cars crashed into each other front to front of the cars. Paramedics and police surrounded the car to try and get the people out. There was three adults and two children. Two adult femals and two children in one car and the man who did the U turn. As the man was trying to make a U turn, it was maybe illegal to so on a one way street. So the car behind it with the children and adult femals crashed into the car trying to make a U turn. The man had done the U turn because there was cops at the end of the block and he wasn't wearing his seat belt. So he thought his only solution was to do a U turn, which would get him in much more bigger trouble than not having a seat belt on.
Accidents like this happen almost everyday. Some people don't pay lots of attention when driving. They don't because because they think their not going to crash or cause a catastrophe and show growth in your problems. So just make sure if you're not going to follow the rules while driving don't do a U turn on a one way, you’ll become the story of the day.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Quarter 1 reflections
With my 10 book challenge I'm doing very well, the books I choose I like. I am currently on my 3rd book called Beastly. A thought to myself is will I accomplish the 10 book challenge? I want to reach more than 10 books if I can. All I have to do is read 30 minutes or more everyday. I haven't done any blogs in August, but my first one and all he others I did, I was able to understand more. What I was able to do and show growth in is how to give textual evidence, information about the topic i'm talking about, and to learn how to write. Each blog I feel like I do more and more better because I already know what I'm doing. As I do more and more blogs I know that I will do more and even more better than I did the last one.
Strategies I do for homework is I have them wrote down in the app called Reminder, where it tells you when you have to do something. In ELA and any other class I was able to get my work or homework ready on time. When I read. For reading to help me stay focused, I like to listen to soft melody or calming relaxing music. I like to stay somewhere where it's comfortable enough for me to read, or a room with not to much lighting or darkness. Something I've learned about the world is there is conflict no matter where you go. There is children who don't go to school, don't have a home, are suffering from hunger, and young girls getting pregnant which is unhealthy. Between parents there's divorce, domestic violence, and just the parents getting a healthy relationship. Animals are getting tortured, some species may be, getting, or is already extinct. There is always conflict but that's why we work together to stop them as a team.
My writing is progressing to me little by little or just maybe more and more. I'm getting more exceptional with my words and I am able to learn how to use them while I talk and to use them while I write. Then the more I say the words other people around me start to remark the words I use. The next 3 quarters my goal is to be able to get honor roll. I would like this goal because I've never been on honor roll and to get it I need to work hard and focus on my work than other things. That is just one goal I have for the next 3 quarters.
Strategies I do for homework is I have them wrote down in the app called Reminder, where it tells you when you have to do something. In ELA and any other class I was able to get my work or homework ready on time. When I read. For reading to help me stay focused, I like to listen to soft melody or calming relaxing music. I like to stay somewhere where it's comfortable enough for me to read, or a room with not to much lighting or darkness. Something I've learned about the world is there is conflict no matter where you go. There is children who don't go to school, don't have a home, are suffering from hunger, and young girls getting pregnant which is unhealthy. Between parents there's divorce, domestic violence, and just the parents getting a healthy relationship. Animals are getting tortured, some species may be, getting, or is already extinct. There is always conflict but that's why we work together to stop them as a team.
My writing is progressing to me little by little or just maybe more and more. I'm getting more exceptional with my words and I am able to learn how to use them while I talk and to use them while I write. Then the more I say the words other people around me start to remark the words I use. The next 3 quarters my goal is to be able to get honor roll. I would like this goal because I've never been on honor roll and to get it I need to work hard and focus on my work than other things. That is just one goal I have for the next 3 quarters.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Movie and Book Comparison The Giver
The way that the movie and book are different is because in the movie both Asher and Fiona have different jobs then they had in the book. In the book Asher was the Assistant Director of Recreation. In the movie he was chosen to be a pilot. In the book the chief elder says “We have given you the Assignment of Assistant Director of Recreation.” (56) This explains how in the book Asher was assigned a different job than in the movie where the chief elder called up Asher and told him he was going to be a pilot.Fiona was a caretaker for the elders in the book, she was chosen because she was good with the Elders. In the movie she was a nurturer for babies because she was good with them In the book The Chief elder chose Fiona as “Fiona was given the important Assignment of Caretaker of the Old.”(56) In the movie Fiona was chosen as a nurturer so that she could be able to help Jonas in the end so the movie made sense for Jonas to escape with Gabriel. But in the book Fiona was chosen to be the caretaker for the elders, since it mention she was good to them.
The difference between the book and the movie in the end were that Fiona and Asher had helped Jonas escape to elsewhere. In the movie Fiona as a nurturer, she was maybe one because she was going to be helping Jonas escape with Gabriel. Gabriel was in the nurturer center were Fiona was working with the babies. (The end of the movie) Fiona was there trying to find Gabriel so that she can give him to Jonas so that they can leave to elsewhere. For Asher, he was a pilot and his role was almost like an enemies to Jonas because he was the one who told on Jonas for breaking the rules. But at the same time he had also helped Jonas. In the movie, Asher had captured Jonas and Gabriel with the aircraft he was flying in elsewhere.When Asher captured Jonas he had flew over water and dropped Jonas and Gabriel there so that they will hopefully live. (In the movie) This is showing how Asher was listening to the rules, but at the same time being a best friend to Jonas and helping him escape
It was actually the movie that that helped me understand more about what's happening with The Giver, Jonas, and memories. In the movie, There was more explanation of what it was like in the community and specifically what it was like. Jonas was the one in the beginning who quickly explained what it was like in the community. This gave me a better understanding. (In the movie) As the introduction Jonas was speaking about how his community worked and everything about it. Also while he was speaking there was a view of the community looked like, it was more like futuristic, when I was thinking it was going to be more simple instead of fancy things. One other thing that helped me give a better understanding was how Jonas was receiving the memory's from The Giver. In the movie, the receiver of memory had a mark on their hand so that's how they knew who was going to be the receiver of memory. The Giver put his thumbs on Jonas’s mark on his arm and gave him the memories of something. (In the movie) This is explaining how I understood more of how Jonas is receiving the memories from the Giver.From my perspective I thought it was going to be more of a just translating it to his mind or The Giver touching Jonas’s head.
The difference between the book and the movie in the end were that Fiona and Asher had helped Jonas escape to elsewhere. In the movie Fiona as a nurturer, she was maybe one because she was going to be helping Jonas escape with Gabriel. Gabriel was in the nurturer center were Fiona was working with the babies. (The end of the movie) Fiona was there trying to find Gabriel so that she can give him to Jonas so that they can leave to elsewhere. For Asher, he was a pilot and his role was almost like an enemies to Jonas because he was the one who told on Jonas for breaking the rules. But at the same time he had also helped Jonas. In the movie, Asher had captured Jonas and Gabriel with the aircraft he was flying in elsewhere.When Asher captured Jonas he had flew over water and dropped Jonas and Gabriel there so that they will hopefully live. (In the movie) This is showing how Asher was listening to the rules, but at the same time being a best friend to Jonas and helping him escape
It was actually the movie that that helped me understand more about what's happening with The Giver, Jonas, and memories. In the movie, There was more explanation of what it was like in the community and specifically what it was like. Jonas was the one in the beginning who quickly explained what it was like in the community. This gave me a better understanding. (In the movie) As the introduction Jonas was speaking about how his community worked and everything about it. Also while he was speaking there was a view of the community looked like, it was more like futuristic, when I was thinking it was going to be more simple instead of fancy things. One other thing that helped me give a better understanding was how Jonas was receiving the memory's from The Giver. In the movie, the receiver of memory had a mark on their hand so that's how they knew who was going to be the receiver of memory. The Giver put his thumbs on Jonas’s mark on his arm and gave him the memories of something. (In the movie) This is explaining how I understood more of how Jonas is receiving the memories from the Giver.From my perspective I thought it was going to be more of a just translating it to his mind or The Giver touching Jonas’s head.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Jonas Blog
Jonas is a dynamic character because he has no emotion and is always thinking about his own self in the beginning. Then towards the ending Jonas realized that lots of things mattered, and he thought about others. In the book this shows during the story once he receives his new job, he suddenly feels more emotions he has towards other people and thinks about things closely. Though he is only thinking about himself only and not about other people.“Though he had been reassured by the talk with his parents, he hadn’t the slightest idea what Assignment the Elders would be selected for his future, or how he might feel about it when the day came.” (19) This explains how Jonas thinks for himself and how selfish he’s being in the beginning and only thinking about himself and what’s going to happen to him.In the end of the book Jonas realized that after he had received the memories he was changing in a way. In someway that gave him feeling and showed a heart that he had.In the book Jonas says “But why can’t everyone have the memories? I think it would seem a little easier if the memories were shared. You and I wouldn’t have to bear so much by ourselves, if everybody took a part.” (112) This quote explains how Jonas changed and he wanted things to change around him because he cared. He cared about things that other people didn't know about because they didn't know any better.
The theme is importance of memories and it's important to Jonas because he wants everyone to know about what happened. What I mean is that Jonas wants people to feel pain,love,and other emotion so that they can actually feel alive. In the book it shows the importance of memory and which means that why are memories important. One specific quote that shows that memory is important is “ it's just that...without the memories it's all meaningless.” (105) What Jonas means by memories being meaningless is that what's the point of having memories. When nobody is going to be making mistakes and being able to reflect on them.The Giver had a big impact in the book too. He gave lots of inspirational words, as in words of the wiser. The Giver was telling Jonas about Memories and how they are important. In the book The Giver says “ There’s much more. There’s all that goes beyond---and all that goes back, and back, and back, I received all of those, when I was selected. And here in this room, all alone, I re-experience them again and again. It is how wisdom comes. And how we shape our future.”(78) This quote explains more specifically why memory is important in The Giver’s own words. He knows why memory is important because he has given memory's before and as he did, I think he knew that things needed to change in the community. It needed to change because it was like nobody was living.
The theme is importance of memories and it's important to Jonas because he wants everyone to know about what happened. What I mean is that Jonas wants people to feel pain,love,and other emotion so that they can actually feel alive. In the book it shows the importance of memory and which means that why are memories important. One specific quote that shows that memory is important is “ it's just that...without the memories it's all meaningless.” (105) What Jonas means by memories being meaningless is that what's the point of having memories. When nobody is going to be making mistakes and being able to reflect on them.The Giver had a big impact in the book too. He gave lots of inspirational words, as in words of the wiser. The Giver was telling Jonas about Memories and how they are important. In the book The Giver says “ There’s much more. There’s all that goes beyond---and all that goes back, and back, and back, I received all of those, when I was selected. And here in this room, all alone, I re-experience them again and again. It is how wisdom comes. And how we shape our future.”(78) This quote explains more specifically why memory is important in The Giver’s own words. He knows why memory is important because he has given memory's before and as he did, I think he knew that things needed to change in the community. It needed to change because it was like nobody was living.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Memory moment
Jonas wanting to feel stirrings again p.39
Guiding question: why might this memory might be important?
This memory might be important because this shows that Jonas was feeling wanted which meant he was stirrings, and it was his first time. Jonas had remembered that stirring was in a rule book. It had to be reported so that the person who had a stirrings would have to get treatment for it. This connects to conflict because when a person has a dream or as they reffer it as a stirring. For some reason they will be needed to have treatment for it, such as pills. His mother also told them that if he didn't take the pills, the stirrings would come back.
A book by Lois Lowry while reading the book The Giver lots of memory moments were spotted in the book. One specific memory moment is when Jonas had wanted to feel stirrings again. In chapter 5 Jonas was dreaming, he was feeling wanted in his dream which meant he was stirrings, as his mother told him. He then had to take treatment for it to stop. But then he wanted to feel stirrings again (wanted). "He remembered that upon walking, he had wanted to feel the stirrings again.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Welcome to my blog!
Welcome! My name is Alexis, I'm currently in 8th grade. My favorite subject is art, a academic subject I enjoy is math. On my free time I love drawing, it's the only thing I do when I'm not on my phone.
One of my goals is to be successful and being able to be a good person. When I grow up I would like to be an artist, but I want that talent to be useful in someways. Like portraits, art work, and painting or drawing to be hung in a museum.
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