Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What I'm grateful for

     I'm grateful for just being in this world in general. It's crazy how sometimes I just think to myself "wow I'm so lucky being here surrounded by amazing people". Sometimes people can be very ungrateful for things and how much people care about them. Lots of bad things in this world can effect some people, or may even each person in some way. Each and everyone of us knows what conflict/problems means, it shouldn't be that way. Sure have some conflict, but not serious conflict like crime. This may sound like I'm not grateful being in this world, but I am. I learn new things everyday, I have friends, a family, a roof over my head, food, clothing, a place to sleep on, emotions, personality, and the courage to take risks. Though this year I'm grateful for many things then what have. 

     I'm grateful for teachers who are pushing us to the limit to learn and be successful. Sometimes there are some teachers who can get on kids nerves, but I've been really listening to what they have to say about high school, being a grown up, how we can be successful, and how we can do better. More and more teachers I see always fill my heart with kindness and knowledge. I don't know about other kids saying that there teachers are mean, but all my teachers seem pretty nice to me, and I'm thankful for that.

     I'm also grateful for my family for being strong in the hardest times. We have been through hard times and good times. The hard times were rough, I couldn't actually believe they were happening, but they were. Those times were the worst but because my family is strong as can be, we all got through it together. I know there is many more problems to come in the future, but that's why I have my family so that they can be there for me and the rest of my family. This is what I'm grateful for.

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