Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election Reflection

  • The election was great because Hillary was doing great and lots of people had faith in her. Trump had "some" good things he was going to do and lots of negative ones to. The thing is, some people voted for him because of the things he said he was going to do. Half of the things weren't going to even happen, it was impossible for him to deport every single Mexican to Mexico. Especially building a wall, there is absolutely ignorant for him to do so. Though now that he is going to be president, who knows if he will end up doing what he said he will do.

    My thoughts on the election results is very upseting. Hillary was doing very well in the beginning of the election and the middle. Now that the time has come to an end to collect all of the data, surprisingly Donald Trump won. Illinois got the right idea and some other states too, but some didn't. There was lots of negativity I saw with people who said they were upset with trump winning. Though no matter what I just have to think positive about things. If I end up thinking negative things, it probably won't end up well for me.

    I am actually happy to vote for the next election. Kids are smart if people put it to their minds. We have opinions much more mature then Donald Trump himself. It's not only that, kids choices matter to, we could choose who is actually going to be the right president for the U.S.A. Though besides that, I am excited to vote, all my life I've been thinking that it was people only 21 years or older. Its exciting because I get to make a mature, adult, and important decision to choose who will be the president. I'm just hoping it's whoever I vote for wins.

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